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Modern Day Slavery Statement 2023
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Overhear Ltd’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement.
Overhear’s Modern Slavery Act Statement
Overhear Ltd are committed to ensuring modern slavery does not exist in its organisation or supply chains. At Overhear ltd. we run our business with honesty and integrity, and encourage the highest of standards not only from our business but also from our suppliers and partners. We do not tolerate any type of forced or compulsory labor, human trafficking, or slavery within our supply chain or operations. The organisation is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in any of its activities.
Our Structure.
Overhear is a limited company, has 3 Directors and 1 other key decision maker.
Our app development is with MX Development based in the UK.
Supply chain.
All contractors and those from whom we obtain services and goods meet our sourcing standards and the requirements we expect them to meet on modern slavery.
We are focused on assessing our high risk spend areas and on raising awareness across our staff, to ensure all products and services are sourced and supplied responsibly and ethically.
Approved by Overhear’s Directors Tom Peel, Kibriya Mehrban & Adrian B Earle