Next walk to your nearest pin, use the line drawn pin icon to zoom out to see all available pins and use the line drawn person icon to show you the pin you are closest too.
The App
Whether in a park, a café, a housing estate, train station, beach or forest, we want to draw people’s attention away from their screens and towards where they are right now. With the help of engaging, localised content, we encourage our users to pause, listen, and see what would otherwise go unnoticed.
We believe in the power of audio to enrich people’s experience of a place and the power of place to ground, and make accessible, audio. Our app moves people in all senses of the word, taking them to new places and bringing new voices to them.
To every collaboration, we bring our expertise with audio production, creative facilitation and our ever-evolving App to any organisation that wants to add creative audio to their bit of the Map!
Overhear is the mobile app that puts audio on the map. We digitally pin poetry, short stories and oral histories to real-life locations, inviting users to explore their environments, collect the recordings and discover new ways to look at the world around them.
Wanders: A fusion of poetry and mindfulness, delivered as immersive audio to your inbox.
Subscribe to weekly creative audio comprised of mindful presencing, poetry and a prompt to ground you in space and location. Wanders are designed to help you look at where ever you are in creative and poetic way in order to open up the mind to new insights and perspectives.
The Events
To make sure our work doesn’t exist in a vacuum, we organize events alongside the content we put out on the map.
Our walking tours allow people to explore a place alongside a practitioner who can share a personal insight they won’t get anywhere else.
Our workshops create spaces where people are supported to pen their own creative responses to the spaces they explore. Our in-house facilitators guide attendees through exercises designed to generate work that can be recorded and pinned to the places they’re inspired by.
The Conversation
Our podcast is where we have more in-depth chats with the people involved in our projects in the medium we’re most interested in.
Our newsletter and social media accounts keep people up to date on all the latest goings on with Overhear projects, along with some behind- the-scenes insight into what’s happening at Overhear headquarters.
Our public map invites people to record their own audio and pin it anywhere on the map for friends, family, strangers or even their future selves to collect.
Our forum and Discord server provide a platform for our wider community to come together and bounce around ideas on anything from tips on writing about location to suggesting new uses for the app’s technology.